Saturday, January 7, 2012

I have returned!!

Due to real life circimstances I have not been blogging for awhile...However I am back now :)

A quick updare on us:
My hubby Dewayne is still active in the local volunteer fire dept and rescue squad.

I am still busy and sometimes feel like there aren't enough hours in the day.

Daniel broke his arm on Halloween but it's all healed now. He is 12 and moves closer and closer to the teen years *sigh*

Hunter got approved for ssi due to his schizophrenia, which is a HUGE help financially, especially since he has also been diagnosed with some learning disabilities and needs voice recognition software and will have to most of his school worlk on a computer. His schizophrenia symptoms have not bothered him much lately and he continues to take his meds. He will soon be evaluated for speech and occupational therapy.

Allison is in physical and occupational therpy twice a week. She has really blossomed lately.

Lil Bit...he's 3. Nuff said lol. He is a bundle of energy in constant motion. He is still enthralled by firetrucks and anything to do with Lightning McQueen and Towmater

Friday, August 27, 2010

At last....

The weather has cooled!!! Today the high was around 80 degrees and the wind was blowing and there was a hint of Autumn in the air!!

The kids played outside for a long time and I sat outside reading a book. Later we took the kids to Pizza Hut to celebrate the change in the air, and then we rented some movies.

The other night, on the full moon, Dewayne and I took some friends; Uni and Eric, out on the boat fishing. Uni and I went for a swim and the water was a bit cool. The fishing was no good and only 2 fish and 2 wanna be fish were caught.

The real treat for me, since I didn't even bother to fish, was watching Mama moon sending her magical, silver essence to play on the inky black water and feeling her mystical pull and power.

Now that the weather is cooling and we will soon be beginning school, I plan to be more in to my spiritual life. I have felt like I was stagnating lately and I don't like that. I want to have a few minutes each morning after coffe of course, to meditate and perhaps do a tarot card reading for the day. I also want to get the kids into doing some sort of meditation and prayer to the goddess daily.

Blessed Be!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Preparing for the School Year

The kids in our town have gone back to school. They started last Thursday. In fact most schools in the state started last Thursday.

We will not be starting until the first week in September. First of all it is still too HOT to think much less learn. We are STILL having triple digit temps around here and when you add in the humidity, well it just isn't at all pleasant.

Our house was built in the 1930's and we do not have central air. Due to it's position the kitchen just dosen't get as muc of the AC as the rest of the house and it can get really hot in there in the afternoon. Plus to me, it just seems that August is still summer and school should not begin until September. That is one advantage of homeschool, the flexbility of the scheduling.

Since David has decided to homeschool, we are going to have a full table. You can be sure that Allison and Lil Bit will be joining us. Lil Bit will be mostly coloring and scribbling, but Allison (who turned 4 on the 16th) will be doing preschool work this year.

David will be working on the same credits public school kids are because he wants to get his a homeschool diploma instead of a GED and I will have to keep records of what he does and send it in to the state. Math will be the biggest challenge since I am no good at high school math, but with the help of website and friends, hopefully we will survive...if not I will get him a tutor.

Daniel and Hunter will be in 5th and 4th grades and so their stuff will be easy for me to teach. I haven't decided for sure what we are going to do, but usually we decide that together and we will be doing that in the next coupld of weeks.

I have decided that we will start each morning out with a prayer from my book "Pagan Prayers" and then we will have some sort of Pagan idea or short lesson to start the day off. I also think for religious studies this year, we will talk about specific gods and goddesses. Later in the year we may also look into studying the beliefs of other religions. This can also count as Social Studies, especially if we go into the cultures of each religion. I can have all 3 boys do the general studies and then some more advanced stuff for David.

Before we can get the school year under way tho, I am going to have to do some rearranging of furniture in the house. I will need to have my big desk brought in from the shed so I can be more organized.

I also need to go thru my school supplies and see what is still good and what I need more of. And I need to look into signing the boys up for 4H since they have decided that this is going to be something they want to do and it is a good socialization opportunity

We have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us, but it's going to be exciting. I LOVE getting ready for school and planning out the school year.

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life; moving along

Summer is winding least the calendar says it is.

And actually the last couple of days have been somewhat cooler. Ok the temps were in the 90's but after 17 straight days of 100+, I am not going to complain.

The stores of full of school supplies and Autumn decorations and halloween goodies.

Public school kids around here will be starting school in 2 days. We sill be starting after the 1st of September. It is still too hot to think, and for some reason to me it just seems like school shouldn't start until September.

I have regestered the boys as homeschool students since the deadline for that was August 15th. David has decided to homeschool after all. His main reason for wanting to go to public school was to socialize and talk to girls. I plan on getting all 3 boys involved in 4H this year and so he wil have plenty of opportunity to socilize and talk to girls. We also have the homeschool group to attend, but they are mostly Christian. They do know we are Pagan and have never treated us differently.

Another project I will begin in September is Brighid's Brigade. That is the children's program at Werfriends, the Pagan study group we attend. The lady who was running it had some personal issues and had to step down. Since I have the most kids I volunteered. So I will be the Pagan equivelent of a Sunday School teacher lol.

After public school kids go back to school, I'd like to go to the lake and get in some swimming before summer's end. The beaches will be less crowded and hopefully the days won't be as blistering hot.

Change is coming...I can feel it in the air and I can't wait.
Blessed Be!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Looking towards the Fall

Ok I know it was 100 degrees today with a heat index of 114, but a trip to the store promises things to come...cooler temps and falling leaves.

The local Dollar General has hoodies, flannel pj's and Halloween candy out now.

The kids and I are discussing the upcoming school year. Daniel and Hunter of course will homeschool, but now David is also thinking of homeschooling. And I am thinking of what they will all be learning and what supplies I have and what will be needed.

Seeing the fall items out and the summer items on clearance has in years past brought a sense of sadness to me, but this year, I am feeling a sense of anticipation.

I cannot wait for October, which is my favorite month. I can't wait for warm days, cool nights or even blustery days and frosty nights. I am ready for the leaves to change colors and fall to the Earth. I want to drink hot cocoa and wrap up in a blanket on my front porch.

Also this year in October, the Pagan study group I belong to will be holding a Samhain Carnival Campout. I am seriously looking foward to that.

Summer still has us in it's brutal grip, but the wheel of the year still turns and soon we will be at equinox and then the days will be shorter than the nights. That is my favorite time of year :)

Blessed Be!

Friday, July 30, 2010

More on Lammas

Before heading off to the lake for a weekend of camping and celebrating, I was cleaning outmy inbox and I had my Old Farmer's Almanac newsletter which I enjoy reading. I opened it and found a nice little article about Lammas, so I am sharing it.

Lammas Day—August 1

Lammas Day marks the beginning of the harvest. In old England, loaves of bread were baked from the first-ripened grain, consecrated in churches, and eaten.

From the Old English hlaf, “loaf,” and maesse, “mass” or “feast,” Lammas is very old indeed.

It derives from the ancient English festival called the Gule of August, which marked the beginning of the harvest, traditionally August 1. The early English church kept this pagan dedication of the first fruit but converted it to Christian usage.

After Lammas Day, corn ripens as much by night as by day. –proverb

{hhhhmmm yet another holiday the Christians took from the Pagans...Easter and Christmas are 2 others btw}

Oh well, wheather you are Pagan or Christian or of any other path, I hope you all enjoy this weekend and even tho it's hot as can be now, know that the cooler days of Autumn are just around the corner :)

Blessed Be!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

LAMMAS celebrating the first harvest

Sunday is August 1st and for Pagans, it is the holiday of Lammas, or first harvest.

We have personally, finished out first harvest and have just now planted the second crop, so it's time to celebrate, and that we will be doing. We are taking off tomorrow to go camping with some of our Pagan friends. So I won't be around on Sunday to post about Lammas and it's meanings so I am going to go ahead and put it out there for all who are interrested to read about.

The following is stuff I have gotten from other sites (links included) because they explain it much better than I can.

Blessed Be!

Lammas is a Neo-Pagan holiday, often called Lughnasadh, celebrating the first harvest and the reaping of grain. It is a cross-quarter holiday halfway between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumnal Equinox (Mabon). In the northern hemisphere, Lammas takes place around August 1 with the Sun near the midpoint of Leo in the tropical zodiac, while in the southern hemisphere Lammas is celebrated around February 1 with the Sun near the midpoint of Aquarius. On the Wheel of the Year, it is opposite Imbolc, which is celebrated on February 2nd in the northern hemisphere, and late July / early August in the southern hemisphere.

If anything, the days are hotter now than they were in early Summer. These are the best days for trips to the beach and back yard barbecues. Meat prices are lower now, especially beef. This is the time to enjoy a thick steak. The really good sweet corn, the kind that melts in your mouth, has just begun to arrive in the supermarket. Since the seasonal changes at this time are more subtle, it is even more important that we celebrate the festival. We need to bring the cycles of the Universe into manifestation within our own minds, by demonstrating what we may not see.

The mental/emotional indications of the changing seasons are more obvious now than the physical ones. The air is filled with anticipation of the coming fall, of the approaching return to school and of the cooler weather to come. It is also a time of sadness, as the knowledge sets in that the good times of Summer will soon be over. There is a bit of "haste to have fun" before it comes to an end.

We will return on Sunday, tired, and probably sun burned, but we will have had fun in the sun and we will know that the wheel of the year is about to turn again and before we know it, we will be celebrating Autumn!